Eat pray love audiobook youtube
Eat pray love audiobook youtube

eat pray love audiobook youtube

She doesn't feel cut for it at all, and if she has a child, she feel she'll lose herself (her new husband got himself fixed before he met her, so there was never a question about it). EG discovers in this process that she is still not ready for children, in fact she never will be.

eat pray love audiobook youtube

However, what is dealt with in the book, but not comes across in the movie, is that she and her husband are to trying to have a baby, as is expected by "people" (and by her husband).


But my main point adding to the other reviews: Some of the criticism of the movie is that the main character doesn't seem to have a good reason to be unhappy, and to leave her husband. But EPL has made it possible by wrapping it into an external journey too. Maybe because it is difficult, as it is a somewhat stand still, internal journey. But for the movie I had low expectations, based on the reviews - nonetheless I was positively surprised, though left wondering if most critics are just a bunch of sheep following a path (made by an old sheep who left decades ago)? And hence, obliged to hate any woman prioritizing herself? The movie deals with a topic that very few (American) movies actually deal with - our inner lives and pursuits for balance and happiness. I read the book and found it OK, but not like fantastic (almost like the Alchymist by Coehlo sort of simple enough for anyone to understand, but deep enough for a lot of people to feel intellectual or in touch with new thoughts). Altogether, the topic, the locations, the atmospheres, the acting made me enjoy the movie more than the book.

Eat pray love audiobook youtube